Reaping Meeting Basics

To keep the church focused on reaping throughout the year schedule a “Fill the Baptistry Sabbath” by faith monthly, bimonthly or quarterly.

It can also be helpful to have reaping meetings several times a year. These don’t have to be high budget every time, but they should be part of a regular plan to Sow –> Grow –> Reap –> Keep (then Repeat).

Here are some basics in planning Regular Reaping meetings.
Put some dates on a calendar and move forward by faith!

Inspired Insights

  • Present the plain “Thus saith the Lord” with authority, and exalt the wisdom of God in the written Word. Bring the people to a decision; keep the voice of the Bible ever before them. Tell them you speak that which you do know, and testify that which is truth, because God has spoken it. Let your preaching be short and right to the point, and then at the proper time call for a decision. Do not present the truth in a formal manner, but let the heart be vitalized by the Spirit of God, and let your words be spoken with such certainty that those who hear may know that the truth is a reality to you. {Evangelism 296.2}
  • The best way to deal with error is to present the truth, and leave wild ideas to die for want of notice. {Evangelism 166.1}

Steps to Get Started

Jesus said “Go… Make Disciples… Baptize them… Teach them to observe all things.Matthew 28:18-20