Advance Team Principles



  1. Mission
    • The Adventist Message to all Texas and the World in this Generation!
  1. Vision
    • Through Total Member Involvement & Level 5 Multiplying Churches, Groups & Leaders…
      • An Adventist Congregation in every community (10k).
      • An Adventist Group in every neighborhood, facility or sector (1k).
      • An Adventist Invitation to every person.
      • The glorious return of Jesus in our lifetime.
  1. Goal
    • Mobilize Advance Teams to all 10k targets in Texas Conference by 2020.
      • An Advance Team is a group (Sabbath School, Ministry, Club, Friends, etc.) who target an unentered 10k population for two years with the purpose of establishing permanent Adventist work in that area. They meet in a mentoring huddle monthly with a pastor who also performs any baptism and weddings needed. Their team and target is cleared by the conference who also provides yearly training.
        • The Group can be a Sabbath School Class, Club (Adventurer, Pathfinder, Master Guide), Church School, Academy Class or Club, Small Group, Ministry Team, Glad Reaper Team, Music Group, Group of Friends, Lay members, Young Adults, etc.
        • Target 10k population where there is no permanent Adventist presence can be any county or counties; city or cities; zip code or zip codes; language, ethic or people group; public campus, prison, business district, etc. Select a public high school where there is not Adventist work nearby.
        • Two-year focus with goal of establishing a permanent Adventist presence begins when conference gives official clearance.
        • Monthly mentoring huddle led by an Adventist pastor with credentials from the Texas or Southwest Region Conference who performs any baptisms and weddings needed.
        • Texas Conference clears advance team, target and designated pastor and provides yearly training for lay leaders and mentoring pastors.
      • Encourage each Adventist church, school & institution to mobilize as many Advance Teams as possible.
  1. Ellen White Counsel
    • Annex the world! – Churches are to be organized and plans laid for work to be done by the members of the newly organized churches. This gospel missionary work is to keep reaching out and annexing new territory, enlarging the cultivated portions of the vineyard. The circle is to extend until it belts the world. {Evangelism 19.2}
    • Make more appeals for volunteers. More decided calls should be made for volunteers to enter the whitening fields. Unless there is more done than has been done for the cities of America, church members will have a heavy account to meet for neglected duties. We pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). We profess to believe that the commission given to the first disciples includes the followers of Christ in 1907. But what are we doing? I pray that the Holy Spirit may move upon human hearts, that many way go forth as did the early disciples, making their way to homes and to churches, where men and women are waiting for a knowledge of present truth. {8Manuscript Releases 206.3}
    • No special training or age required. In this closing work of the gospel there is a vast field to be occupied; and, more than ever before, the work is to enlist helpers from the common people. Both the youth and those older in years will be called from the field, from the vineyard, and from the workshop, and sent forth by the Master to give His message. Many of these have had little opportunity for education; but Christ sees in them qualifications that will enable them to fulfill His purpose. If they put their hearts into the work, and continue to be learners, He will fit them to labor for Him. {Education 269.3}
    • New work wherever possible. – Let forces be set at work to clear new ground, to establish new centers of influence wherever an opening can be found. {Evangelism 60.2}
    • Can target your own unentered area. If in one place there are only two or three who know the truth, let them form themselves into a band of workers.” {Testimonies, 7, p. 22}
    • New targets cultivate missionary spirit. It will cultivate a missionary spirit to work in new localities. Selfishness in respect to keeping large companies together is not the Lord’s plan. Enter every new place possible and begin the work of educating in vicinities that have not heard the truth. {Evangelism 47.1}
    • What if there is no funding? There are among our church members faithful souls who feel a burden for those who know not the truth for this time. But one will say to such, The conference will not support you if you go here or there. To such souls I would say, “Pray to God for guidance as to where you shall go; follow the directions of the Holy Spirit, and go, whether the conference will pay your expenses or not. “Go work today in My vineyard,” Christ commands. When you have done your work in one place, go to another. Angels of God will go with you, if you follow the leadings of the Spirit. {8Manuscript Releases 206.4}
    • New converts will help finance. – Our church members should feel a deep interest in home and foreign missions. Great blessings will come to them as they make self-sacrificing efforts to plant the standard of truth in new territory. The money invested in this work will bring rich returns. New converts, rejoicing in the light received from the Word, will in their turn give of their means to carry the light of truth to others. {Christian Service 184.2}
    • Revive existing churches first? No! – Should all the labor that has been expended on the churches during the past twenty years be again expended upon them, it would fail, as it has failed in the past, of making the members self-denying, cross-bearing followers of Christ. Many have been overfed with spiritual food, while in the world thousands are perishing for the bread of life. Church members must work; they must educate themselves, striving to reach the high standard set before them. This the Lord will help them to reach if they will co-operate with Him. If they keep their own souls in the love of the truth they will not hold the ministers back from presenting the truth in new fields. {9Testimonies 140.2}
    • Lack of Advance Teams results in more consuming churches than producing churches. – The lack of effort to plant the standard of truth in the cities of America has brought about a condition of things in which the consuming is larger than the producing; and how the work shall now be carried forward is a difficult problem. {Ministry to the Cities 151.1}
    • Even new churches should send Advance Teams! As churches are established, it should be set before them that it is even from among them that men must be taken to carry the truth to others, and raise new churches; therefore they must all work, and cultivate to the utmost the talents that God has given them, and be training their minds to engage in the service of their Master. {Christian Service 61.1}
    • Christ’s method for Advance Teams. Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.” There is need of coming close to the people by personal effort. If less time were given to sermonizing, and more time were spent in personal ministry, greater results would be seen. The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. We are to weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice. Accompanied by the power of persuasion, the power of prayer, the power of the love of God, this work will not, cannot, be without fruit. {Ministry of Healing 143.3,4}
    • More powerful inspired insights on entering new areas.
      1. Ministry to the Cities p. 140-149 (Ch. 10 “Planting Churches in the Cities”)
      2. Testimonies volume 7, p. 18-21 (“Work for Church Members”)
      3. Christian Service p. 178-184 (Ch. 16 “The Church Expansion Movement”)
      4. The Desire of Ages p. 818-828 (Ch. 85 “Go Teach All Nations”)
      5. Evangelism p. 692-707 (Section 20 – The Message Triumphant)
  1. Bible Examples of Advance Teams
    • The Twelve sent out. Luke 9.
    • The Seventy sent out. Luke 10.
    • The scattered believers took the message everywhere. Acts 8.
    • There were people hungry for truth and God’s messengers (e.g. Ethiopian – Acts 8; Cornelius – Acts 10; Lydia – Acts 16)
    • Paul and Barnabas sent out. Acts 13.
    • Paul & Silas plus Barnabas & John Mark go out. Acts 15.
  1. Suggested Timeline
    • July 2017 Officer approval, Staff roles
    • August 2017 Present to Pastors & Teachers
    • Fall 2017 Pastors, Teachers Office Staff recruit teams
      1. Teams Select Territory & Mentoring Pastor (Cleared through Conference) then begin work
    • Jan-Mar 2018 Area Training (annual)
    • August 2018 Reports at Pastors Meeting & Teachers Meeting (annual)
    • Organize Companies and Churches when meet criteria (each spring and fall?)
  1. Steps to Start
    1. Team recruited.
      1. Identify leader and group.
      2. Anyone can take initiative – Lay member, group leader, pastor, conference.
      3. List leaders and contact info for each (email, phone, address, home church).
    2. Target selected.
      1. 10k Population.
      2. Describe your target beginning with a public high school (e.g. county or counties; city or cities; zip code or zip codes; closest public school; language, ethic or people group).
    3. Pastor identified.
      1. Pastor must have current credentials from Texas Conference.
      2. Pastor must agree to mentor.
    4. Conference clearance.
      1. Fill out Advance Teams form
      2. Once approved go for it and see where the Lord takes your team in two years.
      3. Don’t start Sabbath morning services until you have three groups in your area.
    5. At the end of two years there will be one of these outcomes…
      1. Church is organized (60+ members, $60k tithe)
      2. Company is organized (30+ members, $30k tithe)
      3. Group(s) is/are officially assigned to an existing church
  1. Steps to Success (Luke 10:1-20)
    1. Embrace… (v1-2)
      • Jesus’ perspective. “The harvest is great. The laborers are few.”
      • Partners and Coach. “The Lord sent two by two.” Ask the Lord to help you find and build your team of four or more. Ask a pastor to serve as coach for your team, meeting with you and other leaders in a monthly huddle.
      • Territory. “into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.” Identify a population segment of 10k with no organized Adventist work that will be your target to work for two years. This can be a community, cluster of neighborhoods, public university campus, prison, retirement village, language group, business district, etc.
    2. “Pray” for… (v2, 8-16)
      • Your team. “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Pray that your team will grow in faith and numbers. Pray they will succeed in their daily walk with Jesus, all their relationships including family and in the ministry and mission Jesus has called them to.
      • The people of your territory. “Whatever city you enter…” Pray that they will accept your ministry and message.
      • The heart of Jesus. “they did not receive Him… the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.’ And they went to another village.” Luke 9:53-56.
    3. “Go” (v3-6, 9)
      • Without fear or dependence on money. “as lambs among wolves.Carry neither money…”
      • Looking for receptive people. “a son of peace.” Look for those who are already studying the Bible for truth (Acts 8:26-40), fasting and praying (Acts 9:1-20) and/or respect God and are generous to the poor (Acts 10).
      • Meeting needs and sharing Jesus. “heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.” {Ministry of Healing 143.3}
    4. “Remain” (v6-7, 16)
      • With those who are kind. Don’t spend your best efforts at this time on those who are combative. The Lord will prepare them later.
      • With those who are open to Bible studies. Use the 8-week plan or involved them in a Bible study group. Start multiple Bible studies and Bible study groups if possible.
      • With those who are ready to make decisions for Jesus and His truth. “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me.” Invite people to accept Jesus as Savior, Healer and Lord, embrace all Bible truth and unite with God’s final movement. Then invite them to begin inviting others!
    5. “Rejoice” for… (v17-20)
      • Transformation of lives. “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name. I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Rejoice when you see the power of Satan broken over addictions and failed relationships, lives changed, people uniting with God’s final movement and becoming missionaries for Jesus.
      • Not just numbers. You will work and pray to see many make decisions for Jesus, to see them baptized and become missionaries for Him. But rejoice whether there are many or few.
      • Your name written in the Book of Life. “rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” You will always be able to rejoice regardless of circumstances if you know that Jesus loves you and is working in you and through you.
  1. Commitments. Each team is committed to this…
    • Mission – Matthew 28:18-20.
    • Message – Revelation 14:6-12.
    • Lifestyle – Acts 2:41-47.
    • Heart – 2 Peter 3:9, 12.
    • Multiplication – 2 Timothy 2:2.
    • Balance – Matthew 4:23.


10. Stages, Assignments & Mentoring.

  • Sample Stages
Stage Role Multiply Your… Your 1st Step (then prepare others for your role) Bible Instructions & #s
1 Disciple Witness Be Baptized & Join Small Group Luke 5:9-11 (4)
2 Disciple Maker Group Members Recruit & Lead Small Group (3+ people) Luke 9:1-10 (12)
3 Disciple Multiplier Group Leaders Recruit & Coach 3+ Small Group Leaders Luke 10:1-20 (70)
4 Church Planter Church Plant Members Recruit & Lead Team of 3+ Disciple Makers/ Multipliers to plant Acts 13:1-5 f.
5 Church Multiplier Church Plant Leaders Recruit & Coach 3+ Church Planters to plant more churches Acts 16:1-10


  • Potential Assignments
    1. First year – Focus on Stages 1-3
      • Start meeting mid-week as Homes of Hope or Mini-churches in houses, schools, businesses, office buildings, public university campuses, retirement centers, prisons, language groups, ethnic groups, etc. Build relationships, meet needs, pray for/with people.
    2. Second year – Focus on Stages 4-5
      • When you have at least three regular groups going, start Sabbath morning services at least 2+ miles from existing church targeting same people group, Organize congregation.
    3. Third year – Identify at least one new Advance Team of four.
      • Grace year if not ready to organize congregation. After year if still not ready then team drops out of program.
  • Mentoring Questions
    1. How are you?
    2. How have you seen God at work recently?
    3. What challenges are you facing?
    4. How will you tackle those challenges?
    5. How can I help you?
    6. How can I pray for you?