Fall 2020 Harvest Cycle


Baptism Dates

Plan for baptisms even if you don’t know where they are coming from. Jesus said the harvest is great so we must approach ministry with that God-given expectation and go in search of those who are searching. Set dates by faith on a regular basis (monthly, bimonthly or quarterly) then look for who the Lord is bringing into the lives of the believers.

Group Leaders

These are the new heroes in our churches. Each church needs to identify them and empower them. They will help minister to the church family and win new souls. Through a special cooperative arrangement we hope to provide a zoom account to every group leader that can be used for ministry through September of 2021. Pastors are the ones to sign up their group leaders.

Reaping Opportunities

We encourage all our groups to be involved with at least one online reaping opportunity this fall. Each church should decide on which reaping event(s) they will be involved with then group members invite their friends with watch and discuss in their groups what they are learning. Here are some options.

  1. Cami Oetman, Unlocking Bible PropheciesOctober 3-17, 2020 (in many languages!). Sign up here to be a…
  2. Max Harvest Options
  3. Forecasting Hope
  4. Revelation Now – October 23f. with Doug Batchelor
  5. Acts 20:21 Initiative from It Is Written with John Bradshaw
  6. Discovery Centers (Voice of Prophecy) Options
  7. Hope Through Prophecy – Final Days – November 6-21 (6pm Central) with Dustin Pestlin
  8. Other options for your local church(es)
  9. Spanish
    1. August 22 to 29 Virtual Reaping Crusade. Professor Ismael Castillo. Every day 7:30pm
    2. September 18-20 Virtual Reaping Weekend. Every day 7:30pm
    3. Cami Oetman, Unlocking Bible PropheciesOctober 3-17, 2020 (in many languages!)
    4. October 16-24 Virtual Caravan for Youth’s Small Groups. NAD Roger Hernandez
    5. October 16-18 Virtual Reaping Weekend. Every day 7:30pm
    6. November 22-29 Virtual Reaping Crusade. Every day 7:30pm

Harvest Cycles

Looking longer range here are some general plans.

  1. Fall 2020. Groups and reaping event as indicated above.
  2. Spring 2021. Groups and Lay preaching online or in person using new AWR and ASI materials. Reaping – April 10-24, 2021.
  3. Fall 2021. Groups and in person preaching everywhere with special assistance for 100 meetings in DFW area and 100 more in Houston area. Reaping – September 24 – October 9, 2021.


These are challenging and exciting times. And the world needs to know more than ever that Jesus loves them and He’s coming soon. The Adventist message – the Three Angels’ Message of Revelation 14:6-12 – will go to every nation, tribe, language and people group before Jesus comes. And everyone who has heard and embraced it is invited to pass it on! Soon Jesus will return!



Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”  John 4:35-38